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      Websites. There's millions of 'em..

In fact, there's 1.13 BILLION of them.

This is a space where an 'Army of Trevors' offer free help, support and guidance to anyone who needs it, where no money changes hands - only experience, advice and goodwill.


Any help or advice given will not involve any fee.

The aim of this website is simple.

It's to gather the global wisdom, skills, experience, empathy and  generosity of those who share the name of Trevor,

to do good stuff as far and wide as possible, for people across the world. aims to help in any way it can, purely using the resources of it's members, free of charge, and asking in return only offers of help needed by those very same members.

  • Are you a charity, struggling to get support?

  • Are you a victim of violence or abuse, who needs legal advocacy?

  • Are you suffering from an illness, but not getting the support you need, nor the medical advice you require?

  • Do you have a small business which incorporates the name TREVOR, that you are trying to get off the ground?

  • Is there something that you desperately need, but can't afford?

A Personal Note

'Trevors' in the media, TV, film etc., have long been portrayed as characters who are 'Geeks' or 'Nerds' and even idiots. How this originated is unclear. It's most definitely unfair.

So it's time for a change.


I want the name Trevor, universally, to be immediately associated with altruism, kindness and generosity.


Hopefully, this website is a step in the right direction,



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